Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

Risk analysis is the process that enables the identification, systematic collection, analysis and evaluation of all chemical, physical and biological hazards associated with food.
With the Veterinary Services, Plant Health, Food and Feed Law numbered 5996, all processes related to food and feed must be based on risk analysis to ensure the highest level of protection of human health and life.
Mandatory risk analysis for food safety; It consists of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication components. This three-stage system is applied in all steps of the food chain, including plant and animal health.
Risk assessment is divided into two, chemical and microbiological. Chemical risk assessment; It is carried out for food contaminants, food additives and drug residues. Microbiological risk assessment is; The negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms that can be taken with foods on human health are examined.

Risk assessment; It is a process consisting of 4 stages.
- Hazard identification
- Characterization of danger
- Exposure assessment
• Qualitative exposure assessment
Quantitative exposure assessment
• Semi-quantitative exposure assessment
- Risk characterization

Risk management; plays a key role in the best management of food safety problems. It is the process of determining and implementing appropriate control measures, taking into account risk assessment and legal regulations.

Risk management; It consists of 4 basic stages.
- Preparatory Risk Management Activities
- Definition and Selection of Risk Management Options
- Evaluation of Risk Management Options
- Monitoring and Review

Risk communication; It is the sharing of risk assessors and risk managers' information and opinions on the perception of danger, risk and risk, risk assessment findings and risk management decisions.

In summary; Risk assessors scientifically evaluate threats in the food chain or emerging threats and advise risk managers. Risk managers also make decisions to address threats by taking this scientific advice into consideration. All information exchange and relationships conducted during the risk assessment and risk management stages constitute the risk communication part.
Risk analysis is a system that must be implemented in the food sector in a way that covers all production stages. With the establishment and implementation of this system, it is aimed to eliminate the risks that will affect human health.

Our laboratories serving in many provinces in turkey, "Risk Analysis" in accordance with legal regulations and standards relating to Türkak accreditation is carried out.