Ambient Noise Measurements

What Are Occupational Diseases Caused By Noise?

Ambient Noise Measurements

What is Noise?

Undesired sound is called noise. Noise affects the psyche and nervous system and the sense of hearing. The unit of sound intensity is decibels. It is indicated by the letters dB. Zero (0) is the decibel hearing threshold (limit). So we don't hear sounds below zero decibels. Sounds above 75 decibels are dangerous.

What is hearing loss due to noise?

There are two periods of exposure to noise for a long time in hearing difficulty or loss, which continues even after the noise ends, due to the damage to the sensory cells in the organ in the inner ear and the organ that receives the sense of sound and the weary changes in the ear cochlea; a) Hearing fatigue - It is only a sensory, temporary hearing loss.
b) Symptom period - Hearing loss or loss is irreversible.

What are the major sickness-threatening jobs?

• Bodywork and rivet works with hammers,
• Rolling, polishing, smoothing the surfaces of metals, sheet metal, breaking up and removing boiler stones in steam boilers, air purging sand cleaning and metal spraying works,
Inlaying, punching, hammering, riveting,
Some saws and planers,
• Shuttle hitting on weaving looms, other machines and looms that make noise in the textile industry,
• Crushing of mineral ores, crushing mills, hammer, ball mills, vibrating screens,
• Automatic loading of metal carriers,
• Stone cutting,
• Gas turbines, compressors, aspirators,
• Works with noisy vehicles such as rammers, bulldozers, excavators (street, house construction, etc.)
• Workplaces where engines (piston, jet, etc.) are inspected, repaired, tested,
• Engine rooms of diesel engines used in dredging pontoons, railways, marine vehicles,
• Airlines (ground personnel, mechanics, flight personnel, etc.),
• Cutting trees with portable chainsaws,
• Musicians.

Who is given the hearing test?

Hearing tests must be performed for those working in areas whose noise level exceeds 85 dB (A). According to the health risks in the workplace and the request of the workplace doctor, any employee group can also be made.

Permanent noise-induced hearing loss is an occupational disease?

In order for noise damages to be considered as an occupational disease, it is necessary to have worked at least two years in noisy work and at least 30 days in jobs with continuous noise intensity above 85 decibels.

How does noise in your workplace manifest itself?

If you have to raise your voice while talking to someone 1 meter away at the workplace, if you raise the sound of your radio or television at the end of the work to be disturbing to others, ringing or humming in your ears at the end of work, if you have trouble understanding your conversation with the other person in a crowded environment outside of work, the noise problem should be suspected.

How is noise in your workplace measured?

There are specially designed devices for this. These devices can measure the noise in the environment or the noise to which a particular person is exposed.

What is the highest permitted noise level in the workplace?

In our country, the average of the noise that the employees are exposed to in an 8-hour working day cannot exceed 87 dB (A), whether or not ear protective equipment is used. That is, this noise level is not the ambient noise level, but the noise level reaching the ear. In other words, when calculating this, if an ear protection is used, its protective effect must also be taken into account.

How long can you work in noisy jobs per day?

In jobs whose noise level exceeds 85 dB (A), an employee can work maximum 7.5 hours a day.

When should personal ear protection equipment be used?

When the noise level in the workplace reaches or exceeds 85 dB (A), measures should be taken to reduce the resulting noise, and in case these measures are not sufficient, personal protective equipment (earphone, plug, etc.) should be used.

Which Method is Used for Personal Noise Exposure Measurement?

As NANOLAB laboratories group, we carry out personal noise exposure measurements of employees in the workplace environment with the TS EN SO 9612 method with TÜRKAK accredited İSGÜM permission.