Biological Stability Analysis in Foods

What is Biological Stability in Foods? Test Methods…

Biological Stability Analysis in Foods

In food production, processes such as pasteurization and sterilization are carried out to destroy microorganisms naturally found in foods.

It is carried out in order to destroy microorganisms or to stop their activities by processes such as cooling, drying, heat treatment, adding additives.

Biological stability test is the control of microorganisms that develop under normal storage conditions of food. It consists of leaving the foods to incubation in their own packaging and, as a result, controlling the spoilage stages. Conditions such as incubation temperature and time vary according to the food and the target microorganism.

While incubation is 35-37 o C in canned meat, fish and vegetables, it is 25-28 o C for detecting the presence of mold and yeast in products such as jam and fruit juice. < br>
By counting at the end of biological stability, information about the shelf life of the product can be obtained according to the number of microorganisms.