Calculation of Metabolic Energy Value in Feeds

Calculation of Metabolic Energy Value in Feeds

Calculation of Metabolic Energy Value in Feeds

What is Metabolic Energy Value? How is Metabolic Energy (ME) Value Calculated in Feeds?

Metabolic energy can be defined as the energy obtained by subtracting the energy of the excretion products from the total energy in the dry matter of the feed. Metabolic energy is the portion of Total Energy that the animal can utilize for metabolic events. For this reason, Metabolic Energy is a very satisfactory measure of the nutritional nutritional value of feeds.

It is important that the parameters to be used in the determination of metabolic energy values ​​of feeds with highly variable feed value such as forages and industrial residues are reliable, as well as obtaining them economically and practically.

Metabolization rate can be defined as the Metabolic Energy value of the feeds divided by the total energy value. Determination of the nutritional value of animal feeds is carried out by "Calculation of Metabolic Energy Value".

"Calculation of Metabolic Energy Value" can be safely tested in accredited and authorized Feed Analysis Laboratories.