Microbiological Analyzes Performed on Water Sample

What Are the Microbiological Analyzes Performed on the Water Sample? Which Test Methods Are Used?

Microbiological Analyzes Performed on Water Sample

Water for human consumption, potable water, pool water, sea water and hemodialysis water should be tested and analyzed in some microbiological test parameters to prove the quality and safety and to minimize the risk to public health.

Water samples should be tested based on different standards on different microorganisms. That; They are indispensable for use in all areas of our lives such as consumption, usage and production.

Its high usage causes microorganisms and diseases to spread very rapidly. As a result, water samples should be tested at certain intervals according to water resources and usage areas.

These microbiological analyzes:

Escherichia coli Census TS EN ISO 9308-1
Coliform Bacteria Count TS EN ISO 9308-1
Salmonella spp. Detection TS EN ISO 19250
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Census ISO 16266
Clostridium perfringens Count Annex-3 of the Regulation on Water Intended for Human Consumption, 98/83 EC Directive
Counting Fecal Enterococci TS EN ISO 7899-2
Colony Count TS EN ISO 6222
Legionella Census ISO 11731
Bacterial Endotoxin Determination European Pharmacopiea 2.6.14