OHS Measurement Laboratory

OHS Measurement Laboratory

OHS Measurement Laboratory

What is Occupational Health?

Occupational health is the discipline of maximizing the physical, mental and social levels of the employees in the work environment, maintaining this level, revealing the health problems that may arise from the working environment and working conditions, and protecting the employees against all kinds of dangers. The first goal is to be protected from the effects that may harm employee health and to take technical preventive measures against health risks in the working environment.

With occupational health and safety measurements, all physical and chemical factors in the working environment that may adversely affect the health of employees are determined quantitatively and qualitatively. It is extremely important to detect dangerous effects in the workplace in order to minimize the frequency of occupational diseases and accidents.

Occupational health and safety measurements are divided into two parameters; chemical and physical factors. Some measurement parameters covered by chemical factors are volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, inorganic acids and heavy metals. If we talk about the measurement parameters of physical factors, we can collect them under noise, thermal comfort, lighting, vibration, dust and aerosol measurements.

Measurements of the factors mentioned above can be made in two ways and are called “personal exposure measurements” and “environmental measurements”. Personal exposure measurements are taken according to the type of work, exposure factor and exposure time. Environmental measurements are taken to assess workers' workplace exposure during off-duty and at a fixed point where exposure is highest.

The employer performs occupational hygiene measurements, tests and analyzes based on the risk assessment. When there is a difference in the workplace environment or personal exposures, the occupational physician or occupational health and safety specialist may request the repetition of occupational hygiene measurements, tests and analyzes.